I told ya, from the get-go....We have a fixer-upper on our hands. Currently or, well at this phase in the photo is was a bit more of a downer. I can not even begin to tell you the work it took to get this lot cleared. It was and continues to be a untamed mess. I am learning to embrace a lot of it. The exterior of the house is filthy-but I have zero desire to have it painted. So-again "I have plans"in the form of lots of climbing ivy-further pushing this home into the boho-commune I always imagined myself to create. This is the spot I chose for our garden space.
After tons of sweat and hours with power tools our cedar beds were built. Organic Soil poured and grid made. I used cooking twine instead of wood to mark the square feet-
(This is my first attempt at square foot/companion/raised bed gardening. All other attempts have been haphazard and complete learning experiences that led to this "science".)
*That's our cat-Marshall*
For about a month before I nursed and started seeds with the very intention to plant them in this space. It's also a super idea to have plants at different stages of growth to ensure you have a "continual" harvest. Seedlings and Seeds alike began their journeys here and I am completely grateful for their progress.
This bed is home to three different varieties of carrots, onions, beets and eggplant. Basil and Tomato grow together happily in the back left corner....
I was amazed at how quickly this space exploded. I must admit it hasn't gotten any prettier in the landscape department....but the plants seem to love their spaces and that's all a gardner can hope for.