Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How it Began

I told ya, from the get-go....We have a fixer-upper on our hands. Currently or, well at this phase in the photo is was a bit more of a downer. I can not even begin to tell you the work it took to get this lot cleared. It was and continues to be a untamed mess. I am learning to embrace a lot of it. The exterior of the house is filthy-but I have zero desire to have it painted. So-again "I have plans"in the form of lots of climbing ivy-further pushing this home into the boho-commune I always imagined myself to create. This is the spot I chose for our garden space.

After tons of sweat and hours with power tools our cedar beds were built. Organic Soil poured and grid made. I used cooking twine instead of wood to mark the square feet-
(This is my first attempt at square foot/companion/raised bed gardening. All other attempts have been haphazard and complete learning experiences that led to this "science".)
*That's our cat-Marshall*

For about a month before I nursed and started seeds with the very intention to plant them in this space. It's also a super idea to have plants at different stages of growth to ensure you have a "continual" harvest.  Seedlings and Seeds alike began their journeys here and I am completely grateful for their progress. 
This bed is home to three different varieties of carrots, onions, beets and eggplant. Basil and Tomato grow together happily in the back left corner....

I was amazed at how quickly this space exploded. I must admit it hasn't gotten any prettier in the landscape department....but the plants seem to love their spaces and that's all a gardner can hope for.


  1. Hi Amanda, I followed your link from Pinterest. I have done square foot gardening and it is incredible, and the yield always amazes me. I was born and grew up in central FL. I moved away to NC after meeting and marrying my hubby. Hubby and I grew our first small garden in FL and your post brought back such sweet memories of those first attempts, and our first year together. We had almost forty more wonderful years with each other living in England, Oregon, VA, GA, TN, and now I'm back in NC with my son and family. My hubby passed away unexpectedly three years ago due to complications from a prescribed medication. We grew gardens almost everywhere we have lived, and square foot gardening remains my fave.

  2. Betty Jo!

    You are officially my first blog comment-ever! I will tell you, I was so excited ! I am so sorry to hear about your husband-how heartbreaking. I love that you lived in so many places. Since this blog we've moved to Chicago (and I am anxiously awaiting our first winter!). I wanted to try the "old fashioned" way of gardening this year with our Illinois soil. We suffered a tremendous drought which threw a million things off balance: bugs, harvest times, etc...But it was a gorgeous year. I have a few photos. I will admit I began getting discouraged feeling like I was typing to thin air so I just stopped blogging. I realize now how much I miss it, though. I will undoubtedly be using the sq. ft method next season.
